This Memorial Day and “Pool Season”, Remember Drownings are Silent. Stay Alert.

Help reduce searches for Louisville Drowning Attorneys. Prevent Accidents, Especially in Backyard Pools. Unfortunately, when people search for Louisville Drowning Attorneys, and they find us at DeCamillis & Mattingly, it’s too late to prevent a drowning, and we have to get to work on another tragic case. For many Kentuckians, Memorial Day starts the official … Continued

Louisville Personal Injury Attorneys Ask You to SLOW DOWN and Avoid Another Car Wreck

During the COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement agencies around the nation – and in Louisville, Kentucky – have noticed a frightening increase in speeding and reckless driving.  As personal injury and wrongful death attorneys, we at DeCamillis & Mattingly find this particularly disturbing because speed really does kill.  The problem is, while speedsters don’t plan on … Continued

Labor Day Drownings are Real. Stay Safe this Holiday!

For many Kentuckians, Labor Day marks the official end of summer fun.  Around the Commonwealth, people flock to the lakes and pools for one last hurrah.  With all the excitement, it is easy to forget that more people in and around the water means more people at risk of drowning. Every time someone Googles  “drowning … Continued

Grieving After a Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death Grief is Different When a loved one dies, we hurt.  At some point in our lives, we will all lose someone we love, and we will all grieve.  But, all grief is not created equal. Those confronted by the sudden, unexpected death of someone they love will face not only the dramatic sense of … Continued

Truck Wreck Injuries, Deaths, and Advertising. All Are UP. Why?

Over the last few years, you have probably seen a lot more personal injury law firms advertising, “Truck Wreck?”  As one might expect, the increased advertising is likely fueled by an increase in large, semi-trailer truck wrecks and related injuries, and deaths.  So, what exactly is “UP” with truck wrecks, and why? The high-level summary … Continued

Fake News and Fair Trials

Fake News and Fair Trials: The Influence of Fake News on Normative Juror Beliefs What does “Fake News” have to do with wrongful death, personal injury, and fair trials? Potentially way too much. The use of re-marketing, re-targeting, cookies and IP-address matching, to target internet users with messaging based on their browsing experience, is not … Continued

Facebook News Feed Changes Don’t Improve Your Facebook Privacy. You do.

As personal injury and wrongful death lawyers, most of our social media experience comes from evidence-related implications of public versus private Facebook data.   Over recent months, we’ve been paying more and more attention to privacy issues and Facebook privacy settings which are important for everyone – not just if you become actively involved in personal … Continued

Texting and Driving, Injury and Death, and a Pledge to Make a Difference

Despite persistent public campaigns to prevent car accidents caused by texting and driving, we at DeCamillis & Mattingly, PLLC continue to see alarming and steady increases in personal injury and wrongful death caused by texting drivers.  As wrongful death and personal injury attorneys, we regularly come face to face with victims of this tragic trend.  … Continued

Facebook Memorialized Accounts | Impact in Wrongful Death Cases

How do Facebook Memorialized Accounts and Legacy Contacts have an impact in wrongful death claims? The answer should have you (anyone over 18 years old) thinking about your Facebook Legacy options, regardless of health. At DeCamillis & Mattingly, we have substantial experience in handling wrongful death cases, so we come face to face with the topic on a regular … Continued

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DeCamillis & Mattingly, PLLC

138 S. Third Street
Louisville, KY 40202
ph: (502) 589-2822
fax: (502) 589-2826

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